I-Pellet Sumation Stosers CPM7932-9 I-FIRINTREFRE
Isebenza kwiCPM7932 yokuphucula umatshini we-pellet pellet
I-Peelt Die CPM 7830-4 yeZilwanyana zeZilwanyana ze-Stainess Staise Tele
I-ring ifa CPM7930-4;
Umatshini we-pellet ye-pellet;
I-ring yentsimbi engenasimo ifa; -
I-CPM 7932-7 Umatshini we-Pellletizer we-Matrix Surseurs PetletizaDora Pallet Gollet Gem 79-7 ring
I-CPM 7932-5 Milli Get Fie;
I-Peel Pellet Die CPM 7932-5;
I-CPM 7932-5 i-Pillet Manyaint Steiness Steel X46CR13;
I-CPM7936 ye-Pellet ye-Pellet ye-ring
I-Ring isebenza:
IMatrix CPM 7932-5 I-Pellet Guy CFM79322-5-5-5-5 I-Ring
I-ring ifa cpm7932-5 ye-Pelet Granulator CPM 7932-5. Isetyenziselwa i-Pellet ye-Pellet / ye-biomass ivelise. I-Diameter engaphakathi: I-825mm, i-Diameter ye-1025mm, ubukhulu be-100mm / 12mm
I-CPM7726 CPM 7726 CPM7726SW I-Pellet Goug ye-Fie Creya CEC CPM 7726SW
ufe kwi-CPM7726 CPM7726-9 CPM 7726-9; CPM7726-8; CPM7726 ye-CPM 7726 cpm 7726sw
I-CPM Sering Tring Fing ye-Pellet Guil
CPM ring die is widely used in the processing of feed, the pellet forming of biomass energy such as straw and sawdust, the production of compound fertilizer, the compression of marigold particles, and the production of petroleum and plastic particles. Khetha ii-granterers ezahlukeneyo kwizixhobo ezahlukeneyo.
I-CPM3020 CPM3020-6 Pellet iFelle
1. I-X46CR13 / 4cr13 (intsimbi engenasitali), i-20mNCR5 / 20CMTI
I-4. Uhlobo lwe-pellet uhlobo: kindala
I-5. Ububanzi be-Outter: I-Ower Seameter ukuya kuthi ga kwi-1800mm